I’ve spent the past few weeks looking at a number of different compost piles. In addition to the creative homemade versions I posted in my last blog, I found “casual” and “corral” compost piles. The casual composting piles are the ones where people pile up yard and food waste in an open area, water the heap once in a while, and wait. I learned that casual composting doesn’t get as hot as other types, and can take several months to turn into compost. Corral composts look like mini versions of horse corrals, except the goal of these corrals is to keep living creatures out, not in.
Everything I’ve seen so far seemed doable, although I don’t think I’d like to look at an open pile of compost every day. Plus, I decided that I needed to seriously consider the wildlife around our home. Not only do we have coyotes, but I saw two lumbering raccoons visiting the stream by our driveway. They were very cute, from a distance, but I’m sure they would be tempted with an open compost pile. I need something less tempting, something with a lid that isn’t easily opened by prying paws.